
workplace safety for contractors Archives - Contractors Insurance Agency

3 Tips for Contractor Safety this Summer

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wePutting safety policies in place and making sure everyone that works with you is aware of them is key to your growth, keeping your employees happy and making sure everyone gets home safely at the end of the workday.

If you haven’t put these safety policies into place yet, now is the time to do that. These policies will ensure you streamline your company’s safety goals, system for evaluation, and training and on-boarding.

Workplace injuries and illnesses have steadily declined in the US over the past decade, but there were still 2.8 million incidents reported in 2019.  That breaks down to being almost 3 cases per 100 workers with about .9 days out of work per case.

The responsibility for safety is always on the employers and contractors to maintain safety on the worksite and eliminate as many hazards as possible.

When you have your safety policy in place, your employees will be compliant when they are on the job.  There are no excuses that they didn’t know.

Here are our 3 tips for you to help you get these policies in place:  

  1. Create policies – Before contractors set foot on a worksite, they will be aware of safety policies and sign off on them.
  2. Create standard safety requirements and training – Whether you have seasonal, part time or full-time employees, they are all on the same page and have received identical training.

Training will include detailed instructions of any task required, what to do in case of an emergency, and hazard protocols. Require completion of the training before work begins to ensure your employees learn what they need to.

  1. Monitor and Evaluate Regularly – It is important to perform a fair evaluation of anyone that works for you. Make sure you are performing on the job walkthrough inspections and annual performance reviews for your employees.

Workplace safety needs to be your top priority as a contractor.  You also want to make sure your insurance coverage is up to par.  Contact us at Contractors Insurance Agency for a policy review. This will ensure you get the correct coverage for unexpected issues that occur on a job site, even when you have safety policies in place.

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