
how to involve your workers in workplace safety Archives - Contractors Insurance Agency

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How to Engage Your Employees in Safety

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As a business owner, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your workers.  Having the right business insurance is one way to protect your employees, but there are other steps you can take to keep them safe.  For instance, getting your employees engaged with safety is a great way to ensure that they are taking things seriously.  Here are some tips to help you get your workers interested in safety.

Involve Them in the Decision-Making Process

Not only can involving your employees in important safety decisions make them feel valued and appreciated, but they are also more likely to adhere to the decisions made.

Ask for Feedback

Another way to engage your employees is by asking for their feedback and taking it seriously.  Your employees are on the front lines, and oftentimes can recognize potential safety concerns management might overlook.  When your employees see you are taking their concerns seriously and intend to follow through, they will feel validated and more willing to acknowledge the safety measures that address the problem they brought up.

Establish a Common Cause

Finally, you should work with your employees to set common safety goals.  For instance, you can hold a meeting and have everyone brainstorm ideas on how to improve workplace safety.  Additionally, you should consider organizing a safety committee.  This will keep your employees motivated to make safety their priority.  By keeping the lines of communication open when it comes to safety issues, you ensure your workers are invested in workplace safety.

These are some of the things you should do to get your employees more invested in their safety.  Want another way to keep your employees and business safe?  Make sure you have the proper business insurance protections in place.  To find the right policies to meet your needs, contact the professionals at Contractors Insurance Agency.  Our dedicated team is ready to get you’re the coverage you need today.

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