Credit cards can be incredibly helpful, particularly when you need to make a large purchase. However, if you don’t keep up with your payments, credit card debt can compound and create a serious source of stress. You need to manage credit card debt.
To get the most out of your credit cards without piling up debt, consider doing the following:
- Treat your credit cards like cash. Avoid spending money you can’t pay back in a timely fashion.
- Pay the entire balance of your credit card each month.
- Select cards with no annual fees, 30-day grace bill periods, rebate incentives or other incentive programs.
- Conduct an assessment of your expenses on a quarterly basis, and make adjustments to your spending if you are going over budget.
- Enroll in a prepaid credit card program where you load money onto the credit card for purchases. Once you’ve reached your set limit, the card will not work.
Seek out financial assistance if you feel overwhelmed by debt. By reaching out to a financial advisor, you will be able to find specific ways in which you can minimize your debt and improve your personal financial situation.