We know that contracting businesses are usually small operations. You love what you do, you work hard, and you do excellent work on your projects. You are a great business owner.
Did you know March 29th is National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day?
We are also a small business like you, and we understand the effort and time you put in.
We don’t want you to worry about the things you don’t need to so if you have any insurance questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Contractors Insurance Agency. That is what we are here for.
Small businesses are a big part of the economy but sometimes they can be overlooked. People know the big corporations by the branding, but the little operation is almost always friendlier, has better customer service and really cares about the people they work with.
Some ways to honor these small businesses in the community include:
- Gifting gift cards from your favorite small businesses to others that may not have tried it yet.
- Tell others about your great experiences and share the contact information if someone asks for it.
- Be a repeat customer.
Small businesses are often the places that support local school and sports events and really care about their community.
The U.S. Small Business Administration reports over 27 million small businesses now and you are fortunate to be one of them.
Many people strive to be business owners, but you are doing it. You don’t mind the long hours, hard work and dedication it takes to grow your contracting business and keep your stellar reputation. We see you and are proud of you.
Our business has been handed down through the generations as many small businesses are. Is your contracting business a family legacy?
We thank you for trusting us with your insurance needs and we promise to keep you well protected so you can focus on growing your business for years to come.