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January 2022

Analyze the Safety and Security of your Home Office

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The second full week in January is Home Office Safety and Security Week. While you may have an office outside of home, many business owners also have an at home office to work at as well. Recent statistics show that 43% of Americans work from home on occasion.

Benefits of working from home include:

  • Flexible schedule
  • Working at time you may not be able to otherwise
  • Fewer office distractions
  • Increased productivity
  • No commute

As a contractor, you clearly need to be on site for a lot of your work day but when you are doing administrative tasks or focusing on growing or expanding, you can do that from your home office. You may find you are more creative at home, more focused, and get more done in less time.

Having a home office also requires that you have plans for safety and security there as well.  Some of the things you should have in place include:

  • A fire escape plan
  • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed
  • Make sure the office area can handle the electrical load required
  • Fireproof cabinets for paperwork
  • Anti-virus and firewall software up to date on the computer you are using
  • A way to back up and store data online

Take some time to make sure you have everything in place that you need to have in order to work effectively and efficiently.

Make sure all your equipment at home is also covered by insurance.  Give us a call at Contractors Insurance Agency and we can review your policy and make sure you are fully covered wherever you are working and don’t have to worry.

Update your online passwords if you haven’t in a while, shred old documents, and get your home office organized so you can easily find everything you need quickly when you need it.  It’s the start of a new year and the perfect time to get organized so you can bring your business to new levels!


//Function generates a current year and adds language for copyright notice. var currentYear = function() { var d = new Date(); var n = d.getFullYear(); document.querySelector(".copyright-text").innerHTML = '© Copyright ' + n + ' Contractors Insurance Agency'; }// ~end copyright currentYear();